
Quotes from Parents:  

“My son had no direction on his shooting until Charlie’s camp. After the first day my son came home and told me that this was exactly what he needed”

“I am impressed with the camp set-up. Charlie coaches every kid and uses his assistants really well. My money was well spent”

“For as tough as Charlie’s training is, I was surprised that my daughter was so excited to go back to camp each day. That experience has motivated her to practice all the time.”

“I noticed a big difference in my son’s confidence level from 1 year to the next and all he talks about is Charlie’s encouragement and comments he would make”

“I sent my son to 3 college camps this summer and he told me that he got more out of the small group training with Charlie than all the other camps combined”

Quotes from Past Participants:  

“When I work with Coach Fortney he seems to know exactly what I need to do”

“I would have never have made my team if I would not have went to Advanced Training”

“After working with Charlie Fortney I can teach my friends the proper way to do things”

“I worked on the drills I learned from Charlie’s camp everyday and my Jr. High coach could not believe how much better my skills got”